Terms and conditions

I. Introductory Provisions
I.1 The company Braelle Intimates, ID: 76492338, with registered office at Ibišková 684, Osnice, 25242, registered in the commercial register kept at the Municipal Court in Prague in section C, file number 325315 (hereinafter also referred to as "seller" or "Braelle Intimates") is an online seller of fashion textile goods (hereinafter referred to as "goods"), through an online store operated by a seller at the Internet address www.braelle-intimates.com

I.2 These General Terms and Conditions regulate contractual relations and define mutual rights and obligations between Braelle Intimates and the customer exclusively in the case of online sales of goods. All such contractual relationships are governed by the generally binding legal regulations of the Czech Republic, the concluded purchase contract and these General Terms and Conditions.

I.3 Provisions different from the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions can be negotiated in the purchase contract. In such a case, the provisions agreed in the purchase contract take precedence.

I.4 If the contracting party is a consumer, relationships not governed by these General Terms and Conditions are governed by the Civil Code (Act No. 89/2012 Coll. as amended) and the Consumer Protection Act (Act No. 634/1992 Coll. as amended) wording). If the contracting party is an entrepreneur, relations not regulated by these General Terms and Conditions are governed by the Civil Code (Act No. 89/2012 Coll. as amended).

I.5 These terms and conditions may be modified and changed by the seller at any time. These modifications and changes do not affect contractual relationships established at the time of the effective date of the previous version of the General Terms and Conditions.

II. Definitions
II.1 Contract - purchase contract where Braelle Intimates acts as the seller on one side and the customer as the buyer on the other.

II.2 Seller (Braelle Intimates) - is a person who, when concluding and fulfilling the contract, acts as part of his business or other business activity; he is an entrepreneur who directly offers goods for sale.

II.3 Customer - (i) a customer may be a consumer, i.e. a person who, when concluding and fulfilling the contract, is not acting as part of his business or other business activity or as part of the independent exercise of his profession; he is a natural person who buys goods for a purpose other than doing business with those goods; (ii) the customer can also be an entrepreneur who uses the services for the purpose of his business with these goods.

II.4 Conclusion of the contract - the customer's order is a draft contract and the contract itself is concluded at the moment of delivery of the seller's binding consent to the customer with this proposal (acceptance of the order by the seller); from this moment, mutual rights and obligations arise between the seller and the customer. After placing the order, the customer will receive an e-mail with the subject "Order Acceptance - Braelle Intimates" as confirmation of order receipt.

II.5 Goods - goods are all products offered for sale by the seller on his website www.braelle-intimates.com under the conditions set out in these General Terms and Conditions.

III. Information about the concluded purchase contract and General Terms and Conditions

III.1 By sending the order (i.e. the draft contract), the customer confirms that he has familiarized himself with these General Terms and Conditions and that he unreservedly and fully agrees with them. These General Terms and Conditions form an integral part of the concluded purchase contract.

III.2 The purchase contract is concluded in the Czech language, unless the contracting parties agree otherwise. These General Terms and Conditions are displayed on the website www.braelle-intimates.com

III.3 For a specific customer order, the General Terms and Conditions apply exclusively in their wording valid on the date of the order.

IV. Protection of personal data
Information on the processing of personal data can be found here: PRIVACY POLICY

V. Personal account
V.1 The customer can order goods in the seller's online store from his personal account that he registered in the seller's online store (hereinafter referred to as "personal account") or without registration directly from the web interface of the seller's online store.

V.2 When registering and setting up a personal account, as well as when ordering goods, the customer is obliged to provide correct and complete information. In case of any change, the customer is obliged to update the data in the personal account through the relevant function of the web interface of the seller's online store. There is no obligation of the seller to verify the correctness of the data provided by the customer.

V.3 The customer is obliged to maintain confidentiality regarding the information necessary to access the personal account and acknowledges that the seller is not responsible for the breach of this obligation by the customer. The customer is not entitled to allow third parties to use their personal account in their own interest.

V.4 The seller can cancel the personal account, especially if the customer violates his obligations under the purchase contract.

V.5 The Customer acknowledges that the personal account may not be available 24/7.
VI. Object of the contract
VI.1 The subject of the contractual relationship is the seller's obligation to deliver the goods described in the contract (i.e. the order and its confirmation) and the customer's obligation to take over the goods and pay the agreed price to the seller. A contractual relationship is established between the customer and the seller upon delivery of the order confirmation by the seller to the customer (i.e. the moment the contract is concluded).

VI.2 The customer can order specific goods from the seller's current offer. This offer is published on the seller's website www.braelle-intimates.com.

VI.3 The web interface of the seller's online store contains a list of goods, including the prices of individual goods in euros. The prices of the goods are listed including value added tax and all related fees (with the exception of transport fees according to the following paragraph and any fees according to the method of payment). All offers for the sale of goods in the seller's online store (including, where applicable, the indicative usual delivery or dispatch time of the goods) are non-binding, and all the presentation of goods placed in the web interface of the store is of an informative nature, and the seller is in no way obliged to conclude a purchase contract regarding the presented goods. The presentation of goods in the seller's online store does not constitute an offer to conclude a purchase contract or a proposal to deliver goods within the meaning of § 1732 of the Civil Code. The provisions of Section 1732, paragraph 2 of the Civil Code shall not apply. All data on the content of the commitment placed in the web interface of the store is of an informative nature and the seller is not obliged to conclude a purchase contract regarding these goods, except for situations in which the binding nature of the data on the content of the commitment is determined by a mandatory legal regulation on consumer protection, in particular as follows from the provisions of § 1822 of the Civil Code, and the seller expressly agreed with the customer on a certain requirement otherwise.

VII. Order and Purchase Agreement
VII.1 The order represents a unilateral proposal by the customer to conclude a contract, the subject of which is the sale of the goods specified in the order, under the conditions specified therein and in these General Terms and Conditions. The customer is bound by the completed and sent order. The goods can be ordered through the seller's website www.braelle-intimates.com

VII.2 To order goods, the customer selects the goods he wants to buy by clicking on the appropriate "Add to basket" button and fills out the order form in the web interface of the seller's online store. The order form mainly contains information about the ordered goods, the method of payment of the purchase price of the goods, the required method of delivery of the ordered goods, the costs associated with the delivery of the goods, the customer's contact details, the delivery address and a link to these General Terms and Conditions and a link to information on the processing of personal data (hereinafter just "order"). Before sending the order to the seller, the customer is allowed to check and change the data he has entered in the order form and familiarize himself with these General Terms and Conditions and the principles for the processing of personal data. The seller is always entitled to ask the customer for additional confirmation of the order.

VII.3 The seller will send an order confirmation via the email specified by the customer in the order. This confirmation contains the identification and contact information of the parties, the exact description and number of goods ordered, the final price, the method and estimated date of delivery of the goods, the agreed method of payment.
VII. 4 The purchase contract between the seller and the customer is concluded by the delivery of information about the receipt (acceptance) of the order by the seller to the customer, by electronic mail, to the e-mail address specified in the customer's personal account or in the order.

VII. 5 The customer acknowledges that the seller is not obliged to enter into a purchase contract, especially with persons who have materially breached their obligations to the seller, or who have ordered goods in excess of the usual amount that an ordinary household can reasonably consume.

VII.6 With the purchase contract, the seller undertakes to hand over the item that is the subject of the purchase to the customer and enable him to acquire ownership of it, and the customer undertakes to take over the item and pay the purchase price to the seller. The resulting contract can be changed or canceled only based on the agreement of the parties, for the reasons set out in these General Terms and Conditions or for legal reasons. If the customer is in arrears with taking over the goods or with paying the purchase price, the seller can keep the item and subsequently demand the purposefully incurred costs associated with keeping the item or withdraw from the purchase contract.

VII.7 By concluding the purchase contract, the customer confirms that he has familiarized himself with these General Terms and Conditions and that he agrees with them. The customer is sufficiently informed of these General Terms and Conditions before concluding the purchase contract and has the opportunity to familiarize himself with them on the seller's website here: TERMS OF SERVICE

VII.8 The customer agrees to the use of remote means of communication when concluding the purchase contract. The costs incurred by the customer when using means of communication at a distance in connection with the conclusion and performance of the purchase contract (costs of internet connection and possible related costs such as the costs of telephone calls) are covered by the customer himself. For internet or telephone connections with the seller are not charged extra and the standard rates of the customer's operator are used.

VIII. Termination of the order and withdrawal from the purchase contract
VIII.1 The customer acknowledges that the availability of the goods presented in the seller's online store is tied to stock and the seller therefore does not guarantee the availability of the goods.

VIII.2 The seller has the right not to confirm the order, or to withdraw from the order, until the order confirmation is sent by e-mail to the e-mail address specified in the personal account or in the order.

VIII.3 After confirmation of the order, the seller has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract or part of it in the event that the ordered goods cannot be delivered for any reason, in particular, e.g. if the ordered goods cease to be manufactured or delivered to the Czech market during the processing of the order, or if the seller discovers that the goods can no longer be delivered in the quantity and quality required by the customer (e.g. required size, color, etc.)

VIII.4 The seller has the right to withdraw from the order even in the event of an obvious error in the price of the goods (i.e. prices clearly different from the usual price for this type/type of goods). An obvious error in the price of the goods is mainly, but not exclusively, an incorrect indication of the number of digits, an obviously low price of the goods (e.g. a 50% lower price than is usual for this type and type of goods), an error in the indication of the currency and other obvious errors in writing and any technical errors when specifying the price of goods in the online store or during ordering. The seller is not obliged to deliver the goods to the customer at this clearly erroneous price, even if the customer has been sent an acceptance or confirmation of the order according to these General Terms and Conditions. In the event that this situation occurs, the seller will immediately contact the customer in order to agree on the next course of action. If the customer has already paid part or all of the purchase price of the goods, this amount will be transferred back to his account or address in the shortest possible time, no later than 14 days after the cancellation of the order by the seller.

The seller is also entitled to withdraw from the order even if the correct price of the goods is indicated, but during the processing of the order any technical error of the online store system occurs and the customer receives an order confirmation with an incorrect price of the goods.

The seller is also entitled to withdraw from the order if the customer applies any discount code to the order, but during the processing of the order there is a technical error in the online store system and the loading of the wrong discount code, and the customer receives an order confirmation with the application of a higher discount than the one corresponding to the amount of the discount expected by applying the discount code, as the discount code was presented and provided to the customer.

Furthermore, the seller is not obliged to deliver the goods to the customer even if the goods with an obviously incorrect price are listed and presented in any advertisement.

Withdrawal from the purchase contract must be made in writing, and e-mail is also considered a written form.
IX Delivery and acceptance of goods
IX.1 The goods, which are the subject of the purchase contract, will be delivered within the time limit according to the availability of the goods and the seller's operational capabilities after checking the stock status; this also applies if in the seller's online store the usual time of delivery or dispatch of the goods is indicated in the description of the relevant goods, as information about such times is only indicative and the definitive time of delivery or dispatch of the goods is determined by the seller according to the availability of the goods and according to its operational capabilities after checking the stock status.

IX.2 The seller delivers the goods to the customer by shipment. The customer chooses the method of delivery of the goods in the order form from the options offered. The customer is obliged to accept the ordered goods upon delivery, unless there are reasons for not accepting the goods.

IX.3 The seller delivers the goods via the parcel service DHL and DPD. The place of delivery of the goods is the place indicated by the customer in the order form. The goods are always properly packaged to protect them from damage during delivery. As soon as the seller hands over the goods to the carrier for transportation, he informs the customer about this by e-mail by sending a notification to the e-mail address specified in the personal account or in the order.

IX.4 Shipping costs are paid by the customer. The customer is informed of the exact amount of these costs when filling out the order form.

IX.5 The customer is obliged to properly take over the properly delivered, undamaged shipment of goods from the carrier. However, if the shipment of goods sent via the carrier shows signs of obvious damage, the customer is obliged to refuse acceptance of the shipment of goods and return it to the carrier. If he does not do so, he is not entitled to object to damage to the product during transport and it is considered that the shipment of goods was delivered to the customer undamaged.

IX.6 The customer is obliged to inform the seller without unnecessary documents about damage to the goods during transport, which was not obvious before opening the shipment of goods, in order to enable the seller to immediately assert claims against the transporter from the defective transport of the goods.

IX.7 In the event that the customer does not collect the shipment of goods, the seller reserves the right to increase the final price of the shipment of goods by additional postage when resending the shipment of goods. Furthermore, according to Article VII.6, the seller has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract.

IX.8 Reservation of ownership rights – The customer acquires ownership rights to the goods by full payment of the purchase price and receipt of the goods, the last of these two moments being decisive.

X. Price and payment terms
X.1 The price of the offered goods is always listed on the seller's website. The price of the goods according to the specific concluded contract is always indicated in the order and its confirmation and on the invoice attached to the goods. The price is always listed including the applicable VAT rate. The price can be paid by the customer only in the ways and under the conditions that are offered during the order in the "Shipping and payment" step, i.e. online through the Shopify payments service. The customer does not pay for the use of Shopify payments services.

X.2 Payment must be made in the currency indicated on www.braelle-intimates.com. In the case of payment by bank transfer, the customer pays all bank fees so that the agreed price for the goods is credited to the seller's account in full.

X.3 The cost of delivery and the method of payment of the ordered goods will be added to the price of the ordered goods, determined depending on the chosen method of transport and depending on the chosen method of payment.

X.4 In the case of using a discount coupon, discount code or other promotion conditional on the spending of a certain amount (hereinafter referred to as "promotion"), the seller reserves the right in the event that the actual value of the order falls below the amount conditional on the use of the promotion , do not apply the promotion discount.

Example: If a customer buys 3 items for a total of 1100 CZK and redeems a voucher for a discount of 200 CZK as part of the purchase, conditional on spending min. 1000 CZK, so in reality he will only pay 900 CZK. Subsequently, the customer partially withdraws from the contract according to the conditions XI.2 letter b) within the statutory period, and returns one piece of goods worth CZK 300, thereby reducing the actual original value of the purchase to CZK 800. As a result, the customer does not fulfill the conditions for drawing a voucher for a discount of CZK 200, by which the original price of the order will be increased. Therefore, he will be refunded only CZK 100 instead of CZK 300, as the conditions for using the voucher have not been met.
XI. Withdrawal from the contractual relationship
XI.1 The seller is entitled, except in the cases specified in Article VIII. 4 and VII.6 immediately withdraw from the contract in the following cases:

a) Due to the gross violation of the customer's obligations arising from the concluded contract. In such a case, the seller is entitled to reimbursement of costs incurred in connection with the performance of the concluded contract, set as a flat rate of 30% of the price of the service. Withdrawal from the purchase contract must be made in writing, and e-mail is also considered a written form.

XI.2 The customer has the right to immediately withdraw from the contract in the following cases:

a) In the event of a gross breach of the seller's obligations arising from the concluded contract.

b) The customer, who is a consumer, has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 calendar days of receiving the goods, without giving a reason and without any penalty. If the customer decides to use this right, he must send the withdrawal from the contract to the seller no later than 14 days after receiving the goods.

Withdrawal from the purchase contract is excluded in the cases specified in the applicable legal regulations, especially in the provisions of § 1837 of the Civil Code.

XI.3 Customer in case of withdrawal from the contract according to point XI. 2, letter a) and b) can return the goods either via the DPD or DHL network to the address Braelle, Ibišková 684, Osnice, 25242 (the seller generally does not accept cash on delivery packages).
XI.4 If the customer withdraws from the contract, he is obliged to send the goods to the seller without undue delay. The customer is obliged to return the goods complete, i.e. including all possible accessories and labels, with complete documentation, undamaged, clean, including the original packaging, in the condition and value in which he received the goods, unused and without signs of wear. Returned goods may only be used to the extent that the customer familiarizes himself with the nature, properties and functionality of the goods. The customer is liable to the seller for the reduction in the value of the goods that occurred as a result of handling these goods in a way that is necessary to handle them with regard to their nature and characteristics. The seller can assert the right to compensation for damages against the customer and set off his claim for a refund of the purchase price and thus return the reduced purchase price to the customer. In accordance with the provisions of Section 1833 of the Commercial Code, the seller may deduct a reduction in the value of the returned goods from the purchase price to be returned to the customer. The seller informs the customer in text form about the return of (part of) the purchase price to the customer and about this offset and about the facts regarding the reduced value of the goods.

XII. Liability for defects and complaints
The rights and obligations of the contracting parties regarding rights from defective performance are governed by the relevant generally binding legal regulations (in particular the provisions of § 1914 to 1925, § 2099 to 2117 and § 2161 to 2174b of the Civil Code and Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on consumer protection, as amended).
XII.1 The seller is obliged to ensure the delivery of the goods to the customer in accordance with the concluded contract, these General Terms and Conditions and generally binding legal regulations.

The seller is responsible for the fact that the goods have no defects, i.e. the seller is particularly responsible for the goods:

has the properties agreed upon by the parties and, in the absence of an agreement, those properties that the seller or manufacturer has described or that the customer expected with regard to the nature of the goods and on the basis of the advertising carried out,
is suitable for the purpose for which the seller states its use or for which goods of this type are usually used,
corresponds in quality or design to the contracted sample or model, if the quality or design was determined according to the contracted sample or model,
is in the appropriate quantity, measure or weight and
meets the requirements of legal regulations.
XII.2 If the seller does not fulfill his obligations arising from the contract properly and on time, the customer is obliged to complain to the seller about defects in the goods provided without unnecessary delay. In the event that the goods were not delivered at all, the customer is obliged to file a complaint without undue delay, but no later than 14 days from the first day when the goods were supposed to be delivered.

XII.3 The warranty period for the goods is 24 months and begins on the day the goods are delivered to the customer. The warranty covers material or manufacturing defects. The warranty does not cover mechanical damage to the goods caused by improper use, insufficient maintenance or intentional damage. If the customer justifiably complains about the defect, the period for complaining about the defect does not run for the period during which the customer cannot use the defective object.

XII.4 The customer can make a complaint in writing (written form also means e-mail form for the purposes of contracts concluded between the seller and the customer) and must state the number of the goods and describe the defects of the goods. At the same time as the claim is made, the claimed goods must be sent to the seller for assessment and processing of the claim.

XII.5 The seller shall handle the claim without undue delay, but no later than within 30 days from the date of its proper application. In case of rejection of the complaint, the seller will issue a written justification to the customer (written form also means e-mail form for the purposes of the complaint procedure).
XII.6 If the goods have a defect and the defect can be removed without undue delay, the customer has the right to have the defect removed free of charge. If the goods have a defect, the customer can also demand the delivery of new goods without defects, if this is not unreasonable due to the nature of the defect, but if the defect concerns only a part of the goods, the customer can only demand the replacement of the part; if this is not possible, he can withdraw from the contract. However, if this is disproportionate due to the nature of the defect, especially if the defect can be removed without undue delay, the customer has the right to have the defect removed free of charge.

The customer has the right to the delivery of new goods or the replacement of a part even in the case of a removable defect, if the goods cannot be used properly due to the repeated occurrence of the defect after repair or due to a larger number of defects. In such a case, the customer also has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract.

If the customer does not withdraw from the purchase contract or if he does not exercise the right to deliver new goods without defects, to replace a part of it or to repair the goods, he can demand a reasonable discount from the purchase price. The customer has the right to a reasonable discount even if the seller is unable to deliver new goods without defects, replace its component or repair the goods, as well as if the seller does not remedy the situation in a reasonable time or if the remedy would cause significant difficulties for the customer.

XII.7 In case of non-recognition of the claim or any other dispute with the seller, every customer is entitled to contact the independent center for resolving consumer disputes of the Czech Trade Inspection and start a free out-of-court negotiation process. You can find details about the conditions and the method of starting out-of-court proceedings at www.coi.cz.

XII.8 The customer is obliged to accept the claim without unnecessary delay no later than 30 calendar days from the day on which he was informed about its settlement. However, this period will not expire earlier than 60 days from the filing of the complaint. If the customer does not accept the claim no later than the last day of the deadline, the seller may charge a storage fee of CZK 20 including VAT for each day of delay for the storage of unclaimed goods. The seller will store the repaired goods for a maximum of 6 months from the date the customer was supposed to pick them up. If the customer does not pick up the goods before this period expires, the seller is entitled to dispose of the goods at the customer's expense. If the customer does not pick up the goods within the specified period and the amount of the storage fee exceeds the price of the claimed goods, these goods can be used to pay the storage fee.
XII.9 Whoever has a right from defective performance is also entitled to compensation for the costs purposefully incurred in exercising this right. However, if the customer does not exercise the right to compensation within one month after the expiry of the period in which the defect must be pointed out, the court will not grant the right if the seller objects that the right to compensation was not exercised in time.
XII.10 If a defect becomes apparent within one year of receipt, it is considered that the item was already defective upon receipt, unless the nature of the item or the defect precludes this. This period does not run for the period during which the customer cannot use the item, in the event that he has justly complained about the defect.

XIII. Refunds and returns
XIII.1 When purchasing via the online store, the customer can return the goods within 14 days of receiving them without giving reasons.

XIII.2 The goods must be returned via shipment (PPL, DPD) with all the necessary details and the account number to which the customer wants to return the money must be indicated on the withdrawal form. In no case is it possible to send the goods back to the seller for cash on delivery. The customer is obliged to pack the goods in such a way that they are not damaged during their transport back to the seller.

XIII.3 If the customer withdraws from the purchase contract, the seller will return to him without undue delay, no later than 14 days from the withdrawal from the contract, all funds, including delivery costs, which he received from the customer on the basis of the purchase contract, in the same way, how he received them. The seller will return the received funds in another way only if the customer has agreed to this and if this does not incur additional costs for the customer. However, the seller is not obliged to return the received funds before the customer hands over the goods to the seller or reliably proves that he has properly sent the goods to the seller.
If the customer has chosen a different method of delivery than the cheapest method offered by the seller, the seller will reimburse the customer for the cost of delivery of the goods only in the amount corresponding to the cheapest method of delivery of the goods offered.

XIII.4 In case of a reduction in the value of the returned goods, the procedure will be according to point XI. 4.

XIII.5 In accordance with § 1820 paragraph 1 letter g) of the Civil Code, in case of withdrawal from the contract or exchange of goods within a period of 14 days according to paragraph XIII.1, the customer shall pay the incurred costs of returning the goods himself.

XIII.6 In the case of a refund for goods that were no longer in stock, the refund period is 14 days at the latest.

XIII.7 The customer acknowledges the fact that if gifts are provided with the goods, a gift contract is concluded between the seller and the customer with the condition that if the right to withdraw from the purchase contract is exercised within a period of 14 days, the gift contract becomes ineffective and the customer is obliged to return, together with the returned goods, the related gifts, including everything with which he was enriched. If these are not returned, these values will be understood as unjust enrichment of the customer. If the release of the subject of unjustified enrichment is not possible, the seller has the right to monetary compensation in the amount of the usual price. In case of withdrawal from the gift contract, the purchase contract does not expire and the contracts are assessed separately from this point of view.

XIV. Out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes
XIV. 1. The seller hereby informs the customer that, in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act and REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL (EU) No. 524/2013 of May 21, 2013, he has the right to an out-of-court settlement of a dispute arising from a purchase contract concluded with the seller. A prerequisite for exercising the customer's right to an out-of-court settlement of a dispute is previous unsuccessful direct negotiations with the seller.
XIV. 2. In the event that the customer wants to exercise his right to out-of-court dispute resolution from the purchase contract pursuant to Article XIV. 1. above, may turn to the Czech Trade Inspection Authority with its proposal for the initiation of an out-of-court settlement of a consumer dispute, which, in terms of the Consumer Protection Act, is the competent entity for the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes in the case of purchase contracts concluded between the seller and the customer. More information can be found on the website of the Czech Trade Inspection at the URL address http://www.coi.cz/, alternatively also on the online dispute resolution platform at the URL address https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main /index.cfm?event=main.home2.show&lng=CS (link to the internet application of the online dispute resolution platform established by the European Commission).
XIV. 3. The customer can submit a proposal for the initiation of an out-of-court settlement of a consumer dispute in writing or orally in the protocol or electronically via the online form provided on the website of the Czech Trade Inspection (the form is available at the URL address https://adr.coi.cz/cs) , signed by a recognized electronic signature or sent via the data box of the customer submitting the proposal. On the condition that the proposal is confirmed within 10 days, or supplemented by one of the methods mentioned in the first sentence, it can be submitted using other technical means, in particular via fax or a public data network without the use of a recognized electronic signature. The proposal must be accompanied by proof of the fact that the customer failed to resolve the dispute with the seller directly, as well as other documents proving the facts claimed by the customer, if available.
XIV. 4. The European Consumer Center Czech Republic, with registered office at Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Prague 2, internet address: http://www.evropskyspotrebitel.cz is the contact point according to Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of on 21 May 2013 on online consumer dispute resolution and amending Regulation (EC) No. 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC (Regulation on online consumer dispute resolution).

These General Terms and Conditions are effective from November 1, 2023